
Kavita Shukla, Founder and CEO of Freshpaper, invented a sheet of paper. Infused with botanicals, it could change food waste forever.“If you just dropped it into any container filled with fruits and vegetables .. it would keep everything in there fresh for 2-4 times longer.” But sales had stagnated. So Accenture’s Sustainability Studio led a brand refresh, and the results were astronomical.

  • Sales have tripled when audiences have been exposed to the new look.

  • The redesign drove first-time distribution deals with Costco and Target
    and expansion into 5 new countries.

  • Over 100 million people saw FreshPaper’s new look on primetime and Earth Day programming.

Our copywriting goal: Make it so easy there was seemingly nothing to do. Just minimal, friendly, jargon-free language. Take the “sustainability” out of food waste. Make it just about saving cash, time, and fresh food.

You can find FreshPaper in Whole Foods, Costco, and Target, or online.